Niche Websites

Website Stats: Content, Link building, Traffic, Keywords, Earnings, Expenses

Lesson 1 Module 1

As I have already mentioned several times on my website and social media, I won’t share my domain name to protect it from evil intentions (I have already dealt with such a problem).

However, I will share with you everything else. And in fact, this is all you need – a real case study and actionable tips from first-hand experience.

You can see me succeed with this website, or you can see me fail. Either way, my plan and work will be an open book for you. I will be as transparent as a woman could be (wink, wink).

Website History and Details

I bought this website in early 2019. The website is brand new (it is not an expired domain or an aged domain).

Here are some interesting facts which I find to be strong signals:

  • Website niche: Outdoors (it is not fitness related).
  • A keyword specific domain name for the niche.

Domain Rating and Authority

This is the starting point for this project's growth:



When I launched this website in 2019, I published 12 articles. Until the mid of October 2020, I haven’t published anything.

Link Building

I haven’t done any link building campaigns yet. However, this is yet to change.

Keywords and Traffic

Here is a screenshot of the number of keywords the website ranks for and the traffic itself.

traffic and kws

Current Earnings

This website is currently earning (small amounts) only from the Amazon affiliate program.

Soon, I will join another prominent and higher-paying program.


Initial Expenses

The initial expenses for building this website were less than $500, and this includes:

  • Domain name;
  • Hosting;
  • Premium WordPress Theme;
  • Premium WordPress Plugins;
  • Marketing SaaS Services;
  • Content Writing (outsourced).